Comprehensive Financial Planning

As per Economic Times survey an estimated Rs 22,000 crore of investors wealth (as on 31st Mar 2012) is lying unclaimed with Employees Provident Fund, Bank Accounts and Deposits, Life Insurance Policies, Income Tax Refunds, Stock Investments & Dividends, Mutual Fund Investments, Post Office Investments and Bonds.

These are investments that were made but never claimed by the owners after maturity. "The investors who put small amounts in a number of instruments often face this problem because the portfolio becomes too unwieldy and difficult to monitor”. It is a problem that afflicts almost every investor. Every household will have a dormant bank account or a long-forgotten insurance policy or expired dividend cheques. Many people do not make the effort because they think it is too complicated and the value is too less.

How to Claim It – Through the laid down procedures we help investors to unlock the value of their hard earned money from their unclaimed wealth which they just forgotten or found cumbersome to get back and eventually just gave up on.




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